Setting up a self-registration page

A self-registration page lets a patron create or begin the creation of a membership at your library. If you have created a web-services authentication server definition, you can use that server to connect to the ILS and provide a self-registration page for your patrons.

Collecting the date of birth for children under the age of 13 without verifiable parental consent may violate the U.S. Federal law, “the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act” (COPPA). SirsiDynix recommends that the library seek the advice of its attorney on complying with COPPA.

Your system must have either Symphony Web Services or Horizon Web Services before you can enable a self-registration page.

Before Portfolio can take advantage of online registration for Symphony systems, online user registration must be set up in Symphony (contact your SirsiDynix representative.). For more information about Symphony online registration, see the Online User Registration Configuration Guide on the SirsiDynix Customer Support website at (a SirsiDynix Customer Support website login is required to access this document).

You can configure which fields appear on the self-registration page for systems using Symphony Web Services and designate which of those fields are required. For Horizon systems, you configure the self-registration fields within Horizon.

Self-registration is not available on a profile that requires authentication. If you want to enable self-registration on a profile, you must disable the Authentication Required option. For more information, see Fields: Add/Edit/Copy Profile.

Self-registration pages are not enabled for a profile until you select the appropriate web services server as the security server in Edit Profile. For more information, see Fields: Add/Edit/Copy Profile.

To set up a self-registration page

  1. Log in to the Admin console.
  2. Choose Security from the navigation pane.
  3. Choose Authentication Servers from the Security menu.
  4. Do one of the following:

    • Choose Add Symphony Web Services Server.
    • Choose Add Horizon Web Services Server.
  5. In the Patron Self Registration group, choose Enable using Web Services.
  6. If you are setting up the page for a Symphony Web Services system, enter the information for the Symphony Administrator login (for more information, see Fields: Add/Edit Symphony Web Services Authentication Server).

    Important: The Symphony Administer account that you use for the login must have permissions to register patrons over the Internet. Otherwise, self-registration will not work.

  7. In the Post-Registration Page editor, create the page that displays after the patron has successfully registered. This page should include directions for completing the registration process or let patrons know that the registration was successful.

    Note: If your system automatically creates the userID for the patron, you can use the "$USR_ID" code to display the new userID to the patron on the post registration page.

  8. If you are setting up the page for a Symphony Web Services system, select which fields you want to display on the self-registration page and whether those fields are required or not.
  9. If you have a Symphony Web Services systems that includes multiple libraries, select which libraries you want to include for the patron to register for.
  10. When you have finished, choose OK.

    A Register link will display on the login page when patrons log in to place holds or access their account.

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